VirtData Syntax

This is a railroad schematic of the currently supported VirtData recipe syntax.

If this is your first time reading this guide, it is best to start at the top and read in order. Once you are familiar with the page, it can be used as a handy reference.


In this documentation, CAPITALIZED := sections refer directly to a syntax type, for reference purposes. Other sections accompany the syntax diagrams, and are more explanatory in nature. Further, the diagrammatic conventions are explained below.

double quotes

Diagram(Sequence('"("',Comment('notice the double quotes')));

Any double quoted values are literal. The above example refers to a single left parenthesis, not including the double quotes. Also, an inline text that doesn’t appear inside a bubble is there just to point out details. These are merely inline comments, nothing else.

angle brackets

Diagram('<IDENTIFIER: name>');

Any angle bracket values are meant as place holders for a syntax or value that is explained in another diagram or section. When building mapping functions, you can replace angle brackets with valid syntax from the appropriate section.

If you see a two-part identifier in the angle brackets above, the first part, ID in this case, describes the syntax which must be used to build a valid substitute for the angle brackets. The second part, name in this case, is used to explain how the constructed syntax is meant to be used. In other words, IDENTIFIER represents structure, and name represents semantics.

square brackets


Square bracketed values refer to possible characters from a set. Without any suffixes, square brackets allow only one matching character from the sets provided. Thus, the example above allows for a single uppercase or lowercase character between ‘a’ and ‘z’ OR the underscore character.


The general syntax of a VirtData recipe is designed to support the construction of composed functions. As such, the syntax resembles a sequence of constructor signatures. Instead of requiring nesting of functions, they are specified as a chain, where the flow of data from output to input occurs between the function instances that are described by the template. The syntax of multiple functions in a chain are called a VirtData Flow.

Let’s start with identifier conventions.


Identifers are used throughout virtdata and have a uniform syntax.

 OneOrMore(Sequence('[a-zA-Z]', ZeroOrMore('[0-9a-zA-Z_]')),'"."')

Simple identifiers consist of only a single word with no . characters. Canonical identifiers build on simple identifiers by allowing a path separated by . characters. This allows for an identifier to have a qualifying path just as with Java package names. For example, Max is a simple identifier, and io.virtdata.basicsmappers.unary_int.Max is a qualified identifier.

You can use simple identifiers by default. If you need qualified identifiers, this will be called out in the respective sections below.


Diagram( OneOrMore('<FUNCTION>','";"') );

Functions can be chained together. This supports a flow-oriented way of thinking about data transformations, rather than nested functions. When a virtdata flow is created by chaining multiple function templates together, the result specifies a virtdata lambda template. This is simply a convenient and portable way of composing functions for specialized purposes.

The VirtData runtime treats all bindings recipes as function flows. If there only one function, then it is simply a single-function flow at the API level.


The syntax of a function in a virtdata flow is:

   Sequence(Optional(Sequence('<IDENTIFIER: input type>','"->"'))),
    Sequence('<IDENTIFIER: function name>','"("',OneOrMore('<ARG: argument>','","'),'")"'),
   Sequence(Optional(Sequence('"->"', '<IDENTIFIER: output type>')))
For better illustration, here are a couple version that decompose the syntax above into a more intuitive view:


   Sequence(Optional(Sequence('<IDENTIFIER: input type>','"->"'))),
   Sequence(Optional(Sequence('"->"', '<IDENTIFIER: output type>')))

The input type and output type are completely optional. If you don’t provide them, then the runtime will do it’s own best-effort matching against all of the functions available in the bundled function libraries.


 '<IDENTIFIER: function name>','"("',
 OneOrMore('<ARG: argument>','","')
  • input type is an optional input type qualifier. If provided, it limits matching functions to those with the input type specified. The value can be any primitive java type name or a fully qualified Java class name, including the package name.
  • function name is a valid function class name from the library.
  • argument is a valid argument as explained below.
  • output type is an optional output type qualifier. If provided, it limits the matching functions to those with the output type specified. It has the same value restrictions as the input type above.

This merely shows that a function template has basic C-like syntax, with the addition of optional input type and/or output type qualifiers.

Function Arguments

Each type of argument syntax is distinguished below. When specifying value literals, the types are distinct. This means that a function template which takes a long argument as an initializer will be distinct from one that takes an int in the same position. Thus, Max(234) specifies a different function than Max(234L). This is very important to note when constructing recipes, as the types provided determine which functions could match the function template.

ARG :=

       '<INTEGER: value>',
       '<LONG: value>',
       '<FLOAT: value>',
       '<DOUBLE: value>',
       '<STRING: value>'









Notice that a function can contain a function as an argument. This allows for higher-order function to be created.