
These functions have no particular category, so they ended up here by default. This is where the bulk of basic functions can be found.


Adds a value to the input.

  • double -> Add(double: addend) -> double
  • long -> Add(long: addend) -> int
  • long -> Add(long: addend) -> long
  • int -> Add(int: addend) -> int
    • ex: Add(23) - adds integer 23 to the input integer value


Adds a cycle range to the input, producing an increasing sawtooth-like output.

  • long -> AddCycleRange(long: maxValue) -> int
  • long -> AddCycleRange(long: minValue, long: maxValue) -> int
  • long -> AddCycleRange(long: maxValue) -> long
  • long -> AddCycleRange(long: minValue, long: maxValue) -> long
  • int -> AddCycleRange(int: maxValue) -> int
  • int -> AddCycleRange(int: minValue, int: maxValue) -> int


Adds a pseudo-random value within the specified range to the input.

  • long -> AddHashRange(long: maxValue) -> int
  • long -> AddHashRange(long: minValue, long: maxValue) -> int
  • long -> AddHashRange(long: maxValue) -> long
  • long -> AddHashRange(long: minValue, long: maxValue) -> long
  • int -> AddHashRange(int: maxValue) -> int
  • int -> AddHashRange(int: minValue, int: maxValue) -> int


Create an alpha-numeric string of the specified length, character-by-character.

  • long -> AlphaNumericString(int: length) -> String


Clamp the output values to be at least the minimum value and at most the maximum value.

  • double -> Clamp(double: min, double: max) -> double
    • ex: Clamp(1.0D,9.0D) - clamp output values between the range [1.0D, 9.0D], inclusive
  • long -> Clamp(long: min, long: max) -> long
    • ex: Clamp(4L,400L) - clamp the output values in the range [4L,400L], inclusive
  • int -> Clamp(int: min, int: max) -> int
    • ex: Clamp(1,100) - clamp the output values in the range [1,100], inclusive


Convert a numeric value into a code according to ASCII printable characters. This is useful for creating various encodings using different character ranges, etc.

This mapper can map over the sequences of character ranges providing every unique combination and then wrapping around to the beginning again. It can convert between character bases with independent radix in each position. Each position in the final string takes its values from a position-specific character set, described by the shorthand in the examples below.

The constructor will throw an error if the number of combinations exceeds that which can be represented in a long value. (This is a very high number).

  • long -> Combinations(String: spec) -> String
    • ex: Combinations('A-Z;A-Z') - a two digit alphanumeric code. Wraps at 26^2
    • ex: Combinations('0-9A-F') - a single hexadecimal digit
    • ex: Combinations('0123456789ABCDEF') - a single hexadecimal digit
    • ex: Combinations('0-9A-F;0-9A-F;0-9A-F;0-9A-F;') - two bytes of hexadecimal
    • ex: Combinations('A-9') - upper case alphanumeric


Yields a value within a specified range, which rolls over continuously.

  • long -> CycleRange(long: maxValue) -> int
  • long -> CycleRange(long: minValue, long: maxValue) -> int
  • long -> CycleRange(long: maxValue) -> long
  • long -> CycleRange(long: minValue, long: maxValue) -> long
  • int -> CycleRange(int: maxValue) -> int
    • notes: Sets the maximum value of the cycle range. The minimum is default to 0.
    • ex: CycleRange(34) - add a rotating value between 0 and 34 to the input
  • int -> CycleRange(int: minValue, int: maxValue) -> int
    • notes: Sets the minimum and maximum value of the cycle range.


Read each line in each matching file in a directory structure, providing one line for each time this function is called. The files are sorted at the time the function is initialized, and each line is read in order.

This function does not produce the same result per cycle value. It is possible that different cycle inputs will return different inputs if the cycles are not applied in strict order. Still, this function is useful for consuming input from a set of files as input to a test or simulation.

  • long -> DirectoryLines(String: basepath, String: namePattern) -> String
    • ex: DirectoryLines('/var/tmp/bardata', '.*') - load every line from every file in /var/tmp/bardata


Divide the operand by a fixed value and return the result.

  • double -> Div(double: divisor) -> double
  • long -> Div(int: divisor) -> int
  • long -> Div(long: divisor) -> long
    • ex: Div(42L) - divide all inputs by 42L
  • int -> Div(int: divisor) -> int


This is equivalent to Div(...), but returns the result after String.valueOf(…). This function is also deprecated, as it is easily replaced by other functions.

  • long -> DivideToLongToString(long: divisor) -> String


Convert the input double value to the closest float value.

  • double -> DoubleToFloat() -> Float


Allow for the use of arbitrary expressions according to the MVEL expression language.

Variables that have been set by a Save function are available to be used in this function.

The variable name cycle is reserved, and is always equal to the current input value.

  • double -> Expr(String: expr) -> double
  • long -> Expr(String: expr) -> int
  • long -> Expr(String: expr) -> long
  • int -> Expr(String: expr) -> int


Extracts out a set of fields from a delimited string, returning a string with the same delimiter containing only the specified fields. The

  • String -> FieldExtractor(String: fields) -> String
    • ex: FieldExtractor('|,2,16') - extract fields 2 and 16 from the input data with ‘|’ as the delimiter


Yield a fixed value.

  • long -> FixedValue(int: value) -> int
    • ex: FixedValue(42) - always return 42
  • long -> FixedValue(long: fixedValue) -> long


Yield one of the specified values, rotating through them as the input value increases.

  • long -> FixedValues(int… values) -> int
  • long -> FixedValues(long… values) -> long
    • ex: FixedValues(3L,53L,73L) - Yield 3L, 53L, 73L, 3L, 53L, 73L, 3L, …


Apply the Java String.format method to an incoming object. See Java 8 String.format(…) javadoc Note: This function can often be quite slow, so more direct methods are generally preferrable.

  • Object -> Format(String: format) -> String
    • ex: Format('Y') - Yield the formatted year from a Java date object.


This uses the Murmur3F (64-bit optimized) version of Murmur3, not as a checksum, but as a simple hash. It doesn’t bother pushing the high-64 bits of input, since it only uses the lower 64 bits of output.

This version returns the value regardless of this sign bit. It does not return the absolute value, as Hash does.

  • long -> FullHash() -> long


This uses the Murmur3F (64-bit optimized) version of Murmur3, not as a checksum, but as a simple hash. It doesn’t bother pushing the high-64 bits of input, since it only uses the lower 64 bits of output. It does, however, return the absolute value. This is to make it play nice with users and other libraries.

  • long -> Hash() -> int
  • long -> Hash() -> long
  • int -> Hash() -> int


Return a value within a range, pseudo-randomly. This is equivalent to returning a value with in range between 0 and some maximum value, but with a minimum value added.

  • long -> HashRange(long: width) -> int
  • long -> HashRange(long: minValue, long: maxValue) -> int
  • long -> HashRange(long: width) -> long
  • long -> HashRange(long: minValue, long: maxValue) -> long
  • int -> HashRange(int: width) -> int
  • int -> HashRange(int: minValue, int: maxValue) -> int


Return a pseudo-random value which can only be as large as the input.

  • long -> HashRangeScaled() -> int
  • long -> HashRangeScaled() -> long
  • int -> HashRangeScaled() -> int


Return a double value within the specified range. This function uses an intermediate long to arrive at the sampled value before conversion to double, thus providing a more linear sample at the expense of some precision at extremely large values.

  • long -> HashedDoubleRange(double: min, double: max) -> double


Pseudo-randomly extract a section of a text file and return it according to some minimum and maximum extract size. The file is loaded into memory as a shared text image. It is then indexed into as a character buffer to find a pseudo-randomly sized fragment.

  • long -> HashedFileExtractToString(String: fileName, int: minsize, int: maxsize) -> String
    • ex: HashedFileExtractToString('data/adventures.txt',100,200) - return a fragment from adventures.txt between 100 and 200 characters long


Return a pseudo-randomly selected integer value from a file of numeric values. Each line in the file must contain one parsable integer value.

  • long -> HashedLineToInt(String: filename) -> int


Return a pseudo-randomly selected String value from a single line of the specified file.

  • long -> HashedLineToString(String: filename) -> String


Generate a string in the format key1:value1;key2:value2;… from the words in the specified file, ranging in size between zero and the specified maximum.

  • long -> HashedLinesToKeyValueString(String: paramFile, int: maxsize) -> String


Provide a text extract from the full lorem ipsum text, between the specified minimum and maximum size.

  • long -> HashedLoremExtractToString(int: minsize, int: maxsize) -> String


This provides a random sample of a double in a range, without accounting for the non-uniform distribution of IEEE double representation. This means that values closer to high-precision areas of the IEEE spec will be weighted higher in the output. However, NaN and positive and negative infinity are filtered out via oversampling. Results are still stable for a given input value.

  • long -> HashedRangedToNonuniformDouble(long: min, long: max) -> double


Hash a long input value into a byte buffer, at least length bytes long, but aligned on 8-byte boundary;

  • long -> HashedToByteBuffer(int: lengthInBytes) -> java.nio.ByteBuffer


Simply returns the input value. This function intentionally does nothing.

  • long -> Identity() -> long


Return a value along an interpolation curve. This allows you to sketch a basic density curve and describe it simply with just a few values. The number of values provided determines the resolution of the internal lookup table that is used for interpolation. The first value is always the 0.0 anchoring point on the unit interval. The last value is always the 1.0 anchoring point on the unit interval. This means that in order to subdivide the density curve in an interesting way, you need to provide a few more values in between them. Providing two values simply provides a uniform sample between a minimum and maximum value.

The input range of this function is, as many of the other functions in this library, based on the valid range of positive long values, between 0L and Long.MAX_VALUE inclusive. This means that if you want to combine interpolation on this curve with the effect of pseudo-random sampling, you need to put a hash function ahead of it in the flow.

  • long -> Interpolate(double… value) -> double
    • ex: Interpolate(0.0d,100.0d) - return a uniform double value between 0.0d and 100.0d
    • ex: Interpolate(0.0d,90.0d,95.0d,98.0d,100.0d) - return a weighted double value where the first second and third quartiles are 90.0D, 95.0D, and 98.0D
  • long -> Interpolate(int: resolution, double[]: lut) -> double
  • long -> Interpolate(double… value) -> long
    • ex: Interpolate(0.0d,100.0d) - return a uniform long value between 0L and 100L
    • ex: Interpolate(0.0d,90.0d,95.0d,98.0d,100.0d) - return a weighted long value where the first second and third quartiles are 90.0D, 95.0D, and 98.0D
  • long -> Interpolate(long… value) -> long
  • long -> Interpolate(int: resolution, double[]: lut) -> long


Combine the result of the specified functions together with the specified delimiter and optional prefix and suffix.

  • long -> JoinTemplate(String: delimiter, java.util.function.LongFunction<?>… funcs) -> String
    • ex: JoinTemplate('--',NumberNameToString(),NumberNameToString()) - create values like one--one, two-two, …
  • long -> JoinTemplate(String: prefix, String: delimiter, String: suffix, java.util.function.LongFunction<?>… funcs) -> String
    • ex: JoinTemplate('{',',','}',NumberNameToString(),LastNames()) - create values like ‘{one,Farrel}’, ‘{two,Haskell}’, …
  • long -> JoinTemplate(java.util.function.LongUnaryOperator: iterop, String: prefix, String: delimiter, String: suffix, java.util.function.LongFunction<?>… funcs) -> String
    • ex: JoinTemplate(Add(3),'[',';',']',NumberNameToString(),NumberNameToString(),NumberNameToString()) - create values like ‘[zero;three,six]‘, ‘[one;four,seven]‘, …


Create a {@code List} based on two functions, the first to determine the list size, and the second to populate the list with string values. The input fed to the second function is incremented between elements.

  • long -> ListTemplate(java.util.function.LongToIntFunction: sizeFunc, java.util.function.LongFunction: valueFunc) -> java.util.List
    • ex: ListTemplate(HashRange(3,7),NumberNameToString()) - create a list between 3 and 7 elements, with number names as the values


Load a value from a named thread-local variable, where the variable name is fixed or a generated variable name from a provided function. If the named variable is not defined, then the default value is returned.

  • Object -> LoadDouble(String: name) -> Double
    • ex: LoadDouble('foo') - for the current thread, load a double value from the named variable.
  • Object -> LoadDouble(String: name, double: defaultValue) -> Double
    • ex: LoadDouble('foo',23D) - for the current thread, load a double value from the named variable,or the default value if the named variable is not defined.
  • Object -> LoadDouble(java.util.function.Function: nameFunc) -> Double
    • ex: LoadDouble(NumberNameToString()) - for the current thread, load a double value from the named variable, where the variable name is provided by a function.
  • Object -> LoadDouble(java.util.function.Function: nameFunc, double: defaultValue) -> Double
    • ex: LoadDouble(NumberNameToString(),23D) - for the current thread, load a double value from the named variable,where the variable name is provided by a function, or the default value if the namedvariable is not defined.
  • long -> LoadDouble(String: name) -> double
    • ex: LoadDouble('foo') - for the current thread, load a double value from the named variable.
  • long -> LoadDouble(String: name, double: defaultValue) -> double
    • ex: LoadDouble('foo',23D) - for the current thread, load a double value from the named variable,or the default value if the named variable is not defined.
  • long -> LoadDouble(java.util.function.LongFunction: nameFunc) -> double
    • ex: LoadDouble(NumberNameToString()) - for the current thread, load a double value from the named variable, where the variable name is provided by a function.
  • long -> LoadDouble(java.util.function.LongFunction: nameFunc, double: defaultValue) -> double
    • ex: LoadDouble(NumberNameToString(),23D) - for the current thread, load a double value from the named variable,where the variable name is provided by a function, or the default value if the namedvariable is not defined.


    Load a value from a named thread-local variable, where the variable name is fixed or a generated variable name from a provided function. If the named variable is not defined, then the default value is returned.

    • Object -> LoadFloat(String: name) -> Float
      • ex: LoadFloat('foo') - for the current thread, load a float value from the named variable.
    • Object -> LoadFloat(String: name, float: defaultValue) -> Float
      • ex: LoadFloat('foo',23F) - for the current thread, load a float value from the named variable,or the default value if the named variable is not defined.
    • Object -> LoadFloat(java.util.function.Function: nameFunc) -> Float
      • ex: LoadFloat(NumberNameToString()) - for the current thread, load a float value from the named variable,where the variable name is provided by a function.
    • Object -> LoadFloat(java.util.function.Function: nameFunc, float: defaultValue) -> Float
      • ex: LoadFloat(NumberNameToString(),23F) - for the current thread, load a float value from the named variable,where the variable name is provided by a function, or the default value if the namedvariable is not defined.
    • long -> LoadFloat(String: name) -> Float
      • ex: LoadFloat('foo') - for the current thread, load a float value from the named variable.
    • long -> LoadFloat(String: name, float: defaultValue) -> Float
      • ex: LoadFloat('foo',23F) - for the current thread, load a float value from the named variable,or the default value if the named variable is not defined.
    • long -> LoadFloat(java.util.function.LongFunction: nameFunc) -> Float
      • ex: LoadFloat(NumberNameToString()) - for the current thread, load a float value from the named variable,where the variable name is provided by a function.
    • long -> LoadFloat(java.util.function.LongFunction: nameFunc, float: defaultValue) -> Float
      • ex: LoadFloat(NumberNameToString(),23F) - for the current thread, load a float value from the named variable,where the variable name is provided by a function, or the default value if the namedvariable is not defined.


      Load a value from a named thread-local variable, where the variable name is fixed or a generated variable name from a provided function. If the named variable is not defined, then the default value is returned.

      • Object -> LoadInteger(String: name) -> Integer
        • ex: LoadInteger('foo') - for the current thread, load an integer value from the named variable.
      • Object -> LoadInteger(String: name, int: defaultValue) -> Integer
        • ex: LoadInteger('foo',42) - for the current thread, load an integer value from the named variable, or the default value if the named variable is not defined.
      • Object -> LoadInteger(java.util.function.Function: nameFunc) -> Integer
        • ex: LoadInteger(NumberNameToString()) - for the current thread, load an integer value from the named variable,where the variable name is provided by a function.
      • Object -> LoadInteger(java.util.function.Function: nameFunc, int: defaultValue) -> Integer
        • ex: LoadInteger(NumberNameToString(),42) - for the current thread, load an integer value from the named variable,where the variable name is provided by a function, or the default value if the namedvariable is not defined.
      • long -> LoadInteger(String: name) -> int
        • ex: LoadInteger('foo') - for the current thread, load an integer value from the named variable.
      • long -> LoadInteger(String: name, int: defaultValue) -> int
        • ex: LoadInteger('foo',42) - for the current thread, load an integer value from the named variable, or the default value if the named variable is not defined.
      • long -> LoadInteger(java.util.function.LongFunction: nameFunc) -> int
        • ex: LoadInteger(NumberNameToString()) - for the current thread, load an integer value from the named variable,where the variable name is provided by a function.
      • long -> LoadInteger(java.util.function.LongFunction: nameFunc, int: defaultValue) -> int
        • ex: LoadInteger(NumberNameToString(),42) - for the current thread, load an integer value from the named variable,where the variable name is provided by a function, or the default value if the namedvariable is not defined.


        Load a value from a named thread-local variable, where the variable name is fixed or a generated variable name from a provided function. If the named variable is not defined, then the default value is returned.

        • Object -> LoadLong(String: name) -> Long
          • ex: LoadLong('foo',42L) - for the current thread, load a long value from the named variable.
        • Object -> LoadLong(String: name, long: defaultValue) -> Long
          • ex: LoadLong('foo',42L) - for the current thread, load a long value from the named variable, or the default value if the named variable is not defined.
        • Object -> LoadLong(java.util.function.Function: nameFunc) -> Long
          • ex: LoadLong(NumberNameToString(),42L) - for the current thread, load a long value from the named variable,where the variable name is provided by a function.
        • Object -> LoadLong(java.util.function.Function: nameFunc, long: defaultValue) -> Long
          • ex: LoadLong(NumberNameToString(),42L) - for the current thread, load a long value from the named variable,where the variable name is provided by a function, or the default value if the namedvariable is not defined.
        • long -> LoadLong(String: name) -> long
          • ex: LoadLong('foo',42L) - for the current thread, load a long value from the named variable.
        • long -> LoadLong(String: name, long: defaultValue) -> long
          • ex: LoadLong('foo',42L) - for the current thread, load a long value from the named variable, or the default value if the named variable is not defined.
        • long -> LoadLong(java.util.function.LongFunction: nameFunc) -> long
          • ex: LoadLong(NumberNameToString(),42L) - for the current thread, load a long value from the named variable,where the variable name is provided by a function.
        • long -> LoadLong(java.util.function.LongFunction: nameFunc, long: defaultValue) -> long
          • ex: LoadLong(NumberNameToString(),42L) - for the current thread, load a long value from the named variable,where the variable name is provided by a function, or the default value if the namedvariable is not defined.


          Load a value from a named thread-local variable, where the variable name is fixed or a generated variable name from a provided function. If the named variable is not defined, then the default value is returned.

          • Object -> LoadString(String: name) -> String
            • ex: LoadString('foo','examplevalue') - for the current thread, load a String value from the named variable.
          • Object -> LoadString(String: name, String: defaultValue) -> String
            • ex: LoadString('foo','examplevalue') - for the current thread, load a String value from the named variable, or the default value if the named variable is not defined.
          • Object -> LoadString(java.util.function.Function: nameFunc) -> String
            • ex: LoadString(NumberNameToString(),'examplevalue') - for the current thread, load a String value from the named variable, or the default value if the named variable is not defined.
          • Object -> LoadString(java.util.function.Function: nameFunc, String: defaultValue) -> String
            • ex: LoadString(NumberNameToString(),'examplevalue') - for the current thread, load a String value from the named variable,where the variable name is provided by a function, or the default value if the namedvariable is not defined.
          • long -> LoadString(String: name) -> String
            • ex: LoadString('foo','examplevalue') - for the current thread, load a String value from the named variable.
          • long -> LoadString(String: name, String: defaultValue) -> String
            • ex: LoadString('foo','examplevalue') - for the current thread, load a String value from the named variable, or the default value if the named variable is not defined.
          • long -> LoadString(java.util.function.LongFunction: nameFunc) -> String
            • ex: LoadString(NumberNameToString(),'examplevalue') - for the current thread, load a String value from the named variable, or the default value if the named variable is not defined.
          • long -> LoadString(java.util.function.LongFunction: nameFunc, String: defaultValue) -> String
            • ex: LoadString(NumberNameToString(),'examplevalue') - for the current thread, load a String value from the named variable,where the variable name is provided by a function, or the default value if the namedvariable is not defined.


            Return the string representation of the provided long.

            • long -> LongToString() -> String


            Construct a {@code Map} from a set of input functions which determine the size of the map, the value of each key, and the value for that key. In between calling the key and value functions, the input value is incremented.

            • long -> MapTemplate(java.util.function.LongToIntFunction: sizeFunc, java.util.function.LongFunction: keyFunc, java.util.function.LongFunction: valueFunc) -> java.util.Map
              • ex: MapTemplate(HashRange(3-7),NumberNameToString(),LastNames()) - create maps between 3 and 7 values big, with number names as the keys, and last names as the values


            Return the maximum of either the input value or the specified max.

            • double -> Max(double: max) -> double
            • long -> Max(long: max) -> long
              • ex: Max(42L) - take the value of 42L or the input, which ever is greater
              • ex: Max(-42L) - take the value of -42L or the input, which ever is greater
            • int -> Max(int: max) -> int


            Return the minimum of either the input value or the specified minimum.

            • double -> Min(double: min) -> double
            • long -> Min(long: min) -> long
            • int -> Min(int: min) -> int


            Return the result of modulo division by the specified divisor.

            • long -> Mod(long: modulo) -> int
            • long -> Mod(long: modulo) -> long
            • int -> Mod(int: modulo) -> int


            Select a value from a CSV file line by modulo division against the number of lines in the file. The second parameter is the field name, and this must be provided in the CSV header line as written.

            • long -> ModuloCSVLineToString(String: filename, String: fieldname) -> String
              • ex: ModuloCSVLineToString('data/myfile.csv','lat') - load values for ‘lat’ from the CSV file myfile.csv.


            Select a value from a text file line by modulo division against the number of lines in the file.

            • long -> ModuloLineToString(String: filename) -> String


            Return an integer value as the result of modulo division with the specified divisor.

            • long -> ModuloToInteger(int: modulo) -> Integer


            Return a long value as the result of modulo division with the specified divisor.

            • long -> ModuloToLong(long: modulo) -> long


            Return the result of multiplying the specified value with the input.

            • double -> Mul(double: factor) -> double
            • long -> Mul(long: multiplicand) -> int
            • long -> Mul(long: multiplicand) -> long
            • int -> Mul(int: addend) -> int


            Yield a long value which is the result of hashing and modulo division with the specified divisor.

            • long -> Murmur3DivToLong(long: divisor) -> long


            Yield a String value which is the result of hashing and modulo division with the specified divisor to long and then converting the value to String.

            • long -> Murmur3DivToString(long: divisor) -> String


            • long -> NumberNameToString() -> String


            Add the specified prefix String to the input value and return the result.

            • String -> Prefix(String: prefix) -> String
              • ex: Prefix('PREFIX:') - Prepend ‘PREFIX:’ to every input value


            Save a value to a named thread-local variable, where the variable name is fixed or a generated variable name from a provided function. Note that the input type is not that suitable for constructing names, so this is more likely to be used in an indirect naming pattern like SaveDouble(Load('id'))

            • double -> SaveDouble(String: name) -> double
              • ex: Save('foo') - save the current double value to the name ‘foo’ in this thread
            • double -> SaveDouble(java.util.function.Function: nameFunc) -> double
              • ex: Save(NumberNameToString()) - save a double value to a named variable in the current thread, where the variable name is provided by a function.
            • long -> SaveDouble(String: name) -> double
              • ex: Save('foo') - save the current double value to the name ‘foo’ in this thread
            • long -> SaveDouble(java.util.function.LongFunction: nameFunc) -> double
              • ex: Save(NumberNameToString()) - save a double value to a named variable in the current thread, where the variable name is provided by a function.


              Save a value to a named thread-local variable, where the variable name is fixed or a generated variable name from a provided function. Note that the input type is not that suitable for constructing names, so this is more likely to be used in an indirect naming pattern like SaveDouble(Load('id'))

              • Float -> SaveFloat(String: name) -> Float
                • ex: SaveFloat('foo') - save the current float value to a named variable in this thread.
              • Float -> SaveFloat(java.util.function.Function: nameFunc) -> Float
                • ex: SaveFloat(NumberNameToString()) - save the current float value to a named variable in this thread, where the variable name is provided by a function.
              • long -> SaveFloat(String: name) -> Float
                • ex: SaveFloat('foo') - save the current float value to a named variable in this thread.
              • long -> SaveFloat(java.util.function.LongFunction: nameFunc) -> Float
                • ex: SaveFloat(NumberNameToString()) - save the current float value to a named variable in this thread, where the variable name is provided by a function.


                Save a value to a named thread-local variable, where the variable name is fixed or a generated variable name from a provided function. Note that the input type is not that suitable for constructing names, so this is more likely to be used in an indirect naming pattern like SaveDouble(Load('id'))

                • int -> SaveInteger(String: name) -> int
                  • ex: SaveInteger('foo') - save the current integer value to a named variable in this thread.
                • int -> SaveInteger(java.util.function.Function: nameFunc) -> int
                  • ex: SaveInteger(NumberNameToString()) - save the current integer value to a named variable in this thread, where the variable name is provided by a function.
                • long -> SaveInteger(String: name) -> int
                  • ex: SaveInteger('foo') - save the current integer value to a named variable in this thread.
                • long -> SaveInteger(java.util.function.LongFunction: nameFunc) -> int
                  • ex: SaveInteger(NumberNameToString()) - save the current integer value to a named variable in this thread, where the variable name is provided by a function.


                  Save a value to a named thread-local variable, where the variable name is fixed or a generated variable name from a provided function. Note that the input type is not that suitable for constructing names, so this is more likely to be used in an indirect naming pattern like SaveDouble(Load('id'))

                  • long -> SaveLong(String: name) -> long
                    • ex: SaveLong('foo') - save the current long value to a named variable in this thread.
                  • long -> SaveLong(java.util.function.Function: nameFunc) -> long
                    • ex: SaveLong(NumberNameToString()) - save the current long value to a named variable in this thread, where the variable name is provided by a function.
                  • long -> SaveLong(String: name) -> long
                    • ex: SaveLong('foo') - save the current long value to a named variable in this thread.
                  • long -> SaveLong(java.util.function.Function: nameFunc) -> long
                    • ex: SaveLong(NumberNameToString()) - save the current long value to a named variable in this thread, where the variable name is provided by a function.


                  Save a value to a named thread-local variable, where the variable name is fixed or a generated variable name from a provided function. Note that the input type is not that suitable for constructing names, so this is more likely to be used in an indirect naming pattern like SaveDouble(Load('id'))

                  • String -> SaveString(String: name) -> String
                    • ex: SaveString('foo') - save the current String value to a named variable in this thread.
                  • String -> SaveString(java.util.function.Function: nameFunc) -> String
                    • ex: SaveString(NumberNameToString()) - save the current String value to a named variable in this thread, where the variable name is provided by a function.
                  • long -> SaveString(String: name) -> String
                    • ex: SaveString('foo') - save the current String value to a named variable in this thread.
                  • long -> SaveString(java.util.function.LongFunction: nameFunc) -> String
                    • ex: SaveString(NumberNameToString()) - save the current String value to a named variable in this thread, where the variable name is provided by a function.


                    Scale the input to the

                    • long -> Scale(double: scaleFactor) -> int
                    • int -> Scale(double: scaleFactor) -> int


                    This function provides a low-overhead shuffling effect without loading elements into memory. It uses a bundled dataset of pre-computed Galois LFSR shift register configurations, along with a down-sampling method to provide amortized virtual shuffling with minimal memory usage.

                    Essentially, this guarantees that every value in the specified range will be seen at least once before the cycle repeats. However, since the order of traversal of these values is dependent on the LFSR configuration, some orders will appear much more random than others depending on where you are in the traversal cycle.

                    This function does yield values that are deterministic.

                    • long -> Shuffle(long: min, long: maxPlusOne) -> long
                      • ex: Shuffle(11,99) - Provide all values between 11 and 98 inclusive, in some order, then repeat
                    • long -> Shuffle(long: min, long: maxPlusOne, int: bankSelector) -> long
                      • ex: Shuffle(11,99,3) - Provide all values between 11 and 98 inclusive, in some different (and repeatable) order, then repeat


                    This uses the Murmur3F (64-bit optimized) version of Murmur3, not as a checksum, but as a simple hash. It doesn’t bother pushing the high-64 bits of input, since it only uses the lower 64 bits of output.

                    Unlike the other hash functions, this one may return positive as well as negative values.

                    • long -> SignedHash() -> int
                    • long -> SignedHash() -> long
                    • int -> SignedHash() -> int


                    Return a static String value.

                    • long -> StaticStringMapper(String: string) -> String


                    Add the specified prefix String to the input value and return the result.

                    • String -> Suffix(String: suffix) -> String
                      • ex: Suffix('--Fin') - Append ‘–Fin’ to every input value


                    Creates a template function which will yield a string which fits the template provided, with all occurrences of {} substituted pair-wise with the result of the provided functions. The number of {} entries in the template must strictly match the number of functions or an error will be thrown.

                    To provide differing values for similarly defined functions in the list, the input value used is automatically incremented by one for each function, starting with the initial input value.

                    • long -> Template(String: template, java.util.function.LongFunction<?>… funcs) -> String
                      • ex: Template('{}-{}',Add(10),Hash()) - concatenate input+10, ‘-’, and a pseudo-random long
                    • long -> Template(java.util.function.LongUnaryOperator: iterOp, String: template, java.util.function.LongFunction<?>… funcs) -> String
                      • notes: If an operator is provided, it is used to change the function input value in an additional way before each function.


                    Matches a digit sequence in the current thread name and caches it in a thread local. This allows you to use any intentionally indexed thread factories to provide an analogue for concurrency. Note that once the thread number is cached, it will not be refreshed. This means you can’t change the thread name and get an updated value.

                    • long -> ThreadNum() -> int
                    • long -> ThreadNum() -> long


                    Matches a digit sequence in the current thread name and caches it in a thread local. This allows you to use any intentionally indexed thread factories to provide an analogue for concurrency. Note that once the thread number is cached, it will not be refreshed. This means you can’t change the thread name and get an updated value.

                    • long -> ThreadNumToInteger() -> Integer


                    Matches a digit sequence in the current thread name and caches it in a thread local. This allows you to use any intentionally indexed thread factories to provide an analogue for concurrency. Note that once the thread number is cached, it will not be refreshed. This means you can’t change the thread name and get an updated value.

                    • long -> ThreadNumToLong() -> long


                    This function provides a stable hashing of the input value to a version 4 (Random) UUID.

                    • long -> ToHashedUUID() -> java.util.UUID


                    This function creates a non-random UUID in the type 4 version (Random). It always puts the same value in the MSB position of the UUID format. The input value is put in the LSB position. xxxxxxxx-xxxx-Mxxx-Nxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx mmmmmmmm-mmmm-Mmmm-Llll-llllllllllll 4 3 As shown above, the LSB position does not have the complication of having a version identifier (position M) dividing the dynamic range of the data type. For this reason, only the LSB side is used for this mapper, which allows an effective range of Long.MAX_VALUE/8, given the loss of 3 digits of precision.

                    This function is suitable for deterministic testing of scenarios which depend on type 4 UUIDs, but without the mandated randomness that makes testing difficult. Just be aware that the MSB will always contain value 0x0123456789ABCDEFL unless you specify a different long value to pre-fill it with.

                    • long -> ToUUID() -> java.util.UUID
                    • long -> ToUUID(long: msbs) -> java.util.UUID


                    Trim the input value and return the result.

                    • String -> Trim() -> String


                    • long -> WeightedStrings(String: valuesAndWeights) -> String
                    • long -> WeightedStrings(String: valueColumn, String: weightColumn, String… filenames) -> String
                      • notes: Create a sampler of strings from the given CSV file. The CSV file must have plain CSV headers as its first line.